Wow---I cannot believe that a year has already gone by. Blair turned one this last Saturday and Jason and Gina brought him to Spokane to celebrate. We had his birthday on Friday evening and it was one fun night. I hope you guys enjoy the photos and the videos. Happy Birthday Blair...we love you Aunt Abby and Uncle Andy.
Wow...sorry it has been so long since we have blogged. We are doing well. This Winter has been, well not very much like a Winter. I think we have managed about 3 inches of snow total, and I am sure not complaining after last year. We have been continuing on with many projects and get togethers. Here is a little of what we have been up to.
Christmas: Everyone made it home to include my Grandma Dorla. We had a great time and it was so fun this year with Blair. He of course ended up liking the wrapping paper more than anything so we decided the wrapping paper sack was a great place for him. We were up in Colville Christmas Eve, which is always so much fun.
Thanksgiving We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, although we were missing Lucas and Adina. The day was spent with two of Lucas's football guys Mark and Alan. Bill Nerud was also there and of course Jason, Gina, and Blair. Lots of food, games, and laughs. Thank you one and all for such a special day.
So I spent all Saturday decorating our home for Christmas and we are officially ready. Time for some family and friend dinners!!! Andy was so wonderful on Saturday morning he took off and drove to my favorite coffee stand and got me an outstanding Egg Nog Latte...ahh made the decorating so very worth it. One thing we are lacking is a little...and I stress a little, snow. I am sure it will be with us soon.
Andy found me a video on You Tube (you can find it under Lady Gaga Makeup) that had a beautiful makeup idea. So we bought everything and I tried it out. Ladies if you are looking for something fun and very different try this out. Very easy to wear and everyone wants to know "how did you do that". Andy had vampire teeth that looked exactly like his own teeth that he wore at work (no photos do to the fact he says he does not photograph well).
We got our first snow on Wednesday morning. It did not stay around long, but was beautiful while it lasted. I wish the snow could always be this way...short and sweet.